Antimicrobial use: The outlook to 2030 (Poultry World, January 10th 2022)

Antimicrobial use: The outlook to 2030 (Dairy Global, January 10th 2022)

Antimicrobial use: The outlook to 2030 (All about Feed, January 10th 2022)


Zink-projekter i gang, men ingen løsning er klar” (Maskinbladet, May 24th 2021)

“AVANT Project – Alternatives to Veterinary Antimicrobials” (HealthyLivestock Project, May 21st 2021)

“AVANT Project” (Federation of Veterinarians Europe, May 12th 2021)


Biomin Joins European AVANT Project to Drive Down Pig Sector Antimicrobial Use – INDUSTRY PERSPECTIVES (FeedInfo, September 28th 2020)

“Alternatives to Veterinary Antimicrobials (AVANT)” (DISARM Project Newsletter. September 2020)

“SFR contributes to EU-Project to find alternatives to colistin and zinc oxide in pig production” (Schothorst Feed Research, August 3rd 2020)

“What’s new in the world of pigs? – Biomin in project for alternatives to antimicrobials” (Pig Progress News, World of Pigs,

“European project to help limit antibiotic use in pig production” (The Pig Site, July 29th 2020)

“Biomin: Research on antibiotic avoidance” (AgrarZeitung, July 8th 2020)

“Gut microbiome modulation products explored in shift away from use of antimicrobials in pigs” (Feed Navigator, July 3rd 2020)

“BIOMIN joins US$ 6.8 million research for alternatives to veterinary antimicrobials for pigs” (eFeedLink, July 2nd 2020)

“Biomin joins antibiotic alternative research project” (Feedstuffs / Nutrition & Health, July 1st 2020)

“BIOMIN Announces Participation in €6M Research Project for Alternatives to Veterinary Antimicrobials in Pigs” (Biomin, July 1st 2020)

“European project to help limit antibiotic use in pig production” (University of Copenhagen / Faculty of Health & Medical Sciences,  June 30th, 2020, Danish Version)

“EU-jagt på alternativer til zink og antibiotika” (Effektivt Landbrug, June 13th 2020)

“Alternativer til zink og antibiotika i griseproduktionen” (Landbrug & Fødevarer, June 13th 2020)

“Europe launches AVANT swine project (eFeedLink, June 9th 2020)

“Viable Alternatives to Colistin and Zinc Oxide Urgently Needed for European Swine Industry” (KLIFOVET AG, June 4th 2020)

“AVANT – alternativer til antibiotika” (Magasinet Svin, April 30th 2020, English Version below)

“Seges med i lovende forskningsprojekter, der vil udrydde fravænningsdiarré” (Landbrugsavisen / Svin, March 30th 2020)

“Alternatives to Veterinary Antimicrobials” (EIP-AGRI, January 27th 2020)

“Veterinærene er med å påvirke legemiddelsaker – Alternativer til antibiotika, ATA” (Norsk Veterinaer Tidsskrift, 2020)

“AVANT: Alternatives to Veterinary ANTimicrobials” (University of Copenhagen / Department of Veterinary and Animal Sciences,  2020)

AVANT – 1st Press Release 2020

“AVANT – Alternatives to Antibiotics”

A big research project funded by the EU has just been launched to develop alternatives to antibiotics in pig production. Nearly DKK 50 million are dedicated to the work in weaning healthy pigs.

Reduced use of antibiotics in pig production is an ambition set by the industry and the authorities. In the weaner unit, a large amount of antibiotics is used for treating diarrhoea, and when the use of medicinal zinc ends in July 2022, antibiotic use for treatment of typical post-weaning diarrhoea is expected to increase. This is not only a Danish challenge, but an obstacle in pig production in all EU countries.

Therefore, we are pleased to announce that EU supports a new five-year research project with nearly DKK 50 mil. The project AVANT (Alternatives to Veterinary ANTimicrobials) has recently seen the light of day and aims to develop alternatives to antibiotics for prevention of and managing post-weaning diarrhoea, which is most frequently caused by certain types of E. coli bacteria (ETEC).

AVANT involves the development of seven different technologies which potentially may prevent and/or treat post-weaning diarrhoea. These include 1) synbiotics [prebiotics & probiotics], 2) faecal microbiota transplantation, 3) bacteriophage, 4) polymer, 5) immune immune-stimulating feedstuffs, 6) immune-stimulating substances for injection, and 7) feeding strategies for sows and piglets. All seven technologies will initially be tested in small-scale tests, and the three or four most promising products will be used in large-scale testing in commercial pig herds.

The project includes a strong group of 14 partners from nine EU countries. From Denmark, the University of Copenhagen is the initiator and leader of the project, including coordinator and professor Luca Guardabassi and project manager Carmen E. Gongora. Further participants from Denmark are SEGES Danish Pig Research Centre, which is responsible for herd tests, and the company Easy-Agricare. For more information, please contact project manager and veterinarian, Poul Bækbo from SEGES.

Find the SVIN Magazine Article about AVANT here!